International Media Guides
Print Media
The five SRDS International Media Guides list 20,000+ titles from over 200 countries, combining information for all key global markets in one source. For your convenience, rates are listed in U.S. dollars and in local currencies, and production specifications are listed in both inches and millimeters, where available.
International Media Guides include the following information to help you make informed decisions.
- Business Publications: The Americas—profiles 4,400+ trade publications from North and South America and the Caribbean in up to 208 categories.
- Business Publications: Asia-Pacific/Middle East/Africa—reports on 3,800+ trade publications organized in up to 208 categories.
- Business Publications: Europe—details 8,800+ trade publications organized in up to 208 categories.
- Consumer Magazines Worldwide—covers 5,500+ international consumer magazines, organized in 75 classifications.
- Newspapers Worldwide—lists 3,400+ newspapers in major cities around the world.

Find the facts you need for worldwide media planning.
- SRDS category and geographic market
- Publication title
- Address, phone, fax, email & URL
- Advertising, editorial and production contacts
- Readership/editorial description
- Geographic distribution
- Sales offices
- Rates
- Closing dates
- Circulation
- Mechanical requirements (where available)
- Frequency
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